
Sophie Knitalong

We’re starting 2024 off with a bang, beginning with a tiny knitalong! Join us to knit a pretty little Sophie Scarf, by Petite Knit…the perfect little present for yourself or to gift to your favourite person in the new year.


  • Jan 5th to Feb 2nd
  • Zoom online cast-on party Friday, Jan 5th at 5pm.
  • We’ll need participants to post in the Ravelry group “Impossible Knot Crafters” when you start your knit – let us know what you’ll be knitting with! Progress photos and pattern questions welcome!!
  • We’ll have a check-in somewhere in the middle, maybe another Zoom meeting? What do you think?
  • We’ll have some cute little prizes at the end, one for someone who finished, and one for someone who didn’t. No rushing required, but we think you’re going to love it!!

Christmas Wish Lists!

Get the gifts you really want for Christmas! This year, we’ll be ready to keep track of what you want for Christmas, with our handy Impossible Knot Christmas Wish List form. It’s so easy!

Just download our list, print it, fill it out with specific items, favourite colours or fibres, preferred crafts, or gift certificate amount, & drop off in our shop (or email it to us). Don’t forget to let *all* your loved ones know we have it on file for them to choose you the perfect gift.

We’ll also have forms available in the shop, in the event you are unable to print at home. Please feel free to add more detail on the back of the form, if necessary!

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