Welcome, Summer!

Summer finally arrived! Although…here in 100 Mile House, it has been a very rainy and fairly cool summer. We’ll count our blessings, though! It’s the most beautiful I’ve seen the Cariboo in August, green and lush and very definitely smoke free. If you’re living in BC, this is the perfect time to visit areas of […]

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November Newsletter

Goodness! Where on Earth did October go? We’ve been so busy with Knit City, dyeing yarn, getting prepared for winter, and Halloween, that it whooshed by…practically without notice! Whew! I hope you all have had a successful start to your winter, too! Now that the craziness of getting winter kicked off (including a bit of

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September Newsletter

Ohmigosh! My September newsletter has almost become an October newsletter. It’s been nothing but crazy and wonderful over here this month (I’ve got so much good news, and even a coupon code!)…I hope your month has been awesome, too. What a wonderful Summer it has been! Sun…and rain…but we’ve been beautiful and green AND smoke-free

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June Newsletter

We’re finally into June!! Warm weather. Summer. Vacations and basking in the sun (or shade, if that’s your thing!). Ice tea, barbecue, corn on the cob, and watermelon. Summery dresses. I LOVE summer! Lounging at the beach and watching the kids play in the water, drinking something cold in the shade…and knitting. Heaven! What’s your

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March IKYS Newsletter

Thank goodness for March! The unsettled months (where they can’t decide what the weather should be) are starting, but it’s getting brighter, for longer, every day. And that makes me so happy! Being able to drive home in the daylight is sustaining me until the summer weather and late days (and productivity) are here. Are

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January Newsletter

Happy New Years, my crafters!! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season, with lots of love, laughter, and happiness. The New Year is a great time to look back on the past year, on all your successes, be they big or small, and to look forward on the year to come: with all

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August Newsletter

One year has come and gone, and I can’t believe it! I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for all the amazing support I’ve had from all my lovely customers (you know who you are!) Now that we are in the heat of summer, projects tend to get smaller and more portable…something not heavy and

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July Newsletter

I can’t believe it’s July already!! July is our anniversary month, and I’m so excited to celebrate with you all. I have lots planned, so make sure to check out the sales regularly, as I will have a few pop-up sales for great deals! Hours: Tuesday – Saturday 9:30am – 4:30pm Sunday & Monday closed

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June Newsletter

Summer is here! Although early June feels pretty chilly here in 100 Mile House, it won’t for long! I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait for summer and camping, lake visits, barbecuing, watermelon, kids playing in the sun, and knitting while drinking an ice tea (who are we kidding…it’ll probably be an icy

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